5-11 Update: I posted this article years ago when I was an Independent Consultant for Arbonne. I came to find that many of Arbonne's products contained harmful ingredients like parabens. I moved on to partnerships with organic companies and, at this time, do not know if ingredients such as parabens are still in their products.
Arbonne Products in the News!
Women's Health and Fitness magazine recently named Arbonne's NutriMinC® RE9 REnewing Gelée Crème Hydrating Wash as one of the finest anti-aging products available.
June 2006 issue of Oxygen, a magazine completely devoted to women's fitness. Featured in the "Blab! blab! blab!" section of the issue, people are talking about NutriMinC® RE9 with its amazing results and pure, safe, beneficial ingredients. In the article, Arbonne's popular anti-aging line is hailed as an alternative to cosmetic surgery, while fitness model Laurie Vaniman gives an exciting testimonial regarding her fantastic results. There's no need to look for the "fountain of youth" with products like NutriMinC® RE9, so grab this issue from newsstands and stores to read the scoop!
Arbonne's About Face Luminous Colour Wand SPF 8 earns a spot in Shop Etc. Magazine, as being Vegan friendly!
That's right! The May 2006 issue of Shop Etc. spotlights Arbonne's very own About Face Luminous Colour Wand SPF 8 in a fascinating Q&A article. The question: Can you help me find Vegan-friendly skin care? The answer: Arbonne, of course! Readers learn that all of Arbonne's products are formulated without animal products or by-products and are never tested on animals. And the About Face Luminous Colour Wand SPF (all 15 shades) is no exception! The article named it a "star in the vegan beauty world" and praised its sheer-like skin care quality. Be sure to pick up a copy of this issue so you can read about the sheer genius of Arbonne and About Face!
Arbonne BefoRE Sun products and Arbonne Baby Care Sunscreen, SPF 30+ were all featured in the July/August 2006 Los Angeles-based Yogi Times magazine! Yogi Times recent spotlight of Arbonne's sun protection products proves that skin isn't the only thing Arbonne covers while highlighting and comparing the BefoRE Sun line and Arbonne Baby Care Sunscreen with several name-brand products. If there's one thing that yoga practitioners know, it's that you need to be flexible. Arbonne feels the same way, especially when it comes to sun protection for adults and children. The BefoRE Sun products are diverse, and specifically tailored, to cover all skin types, all while preventing against harm and daily damage to your skin with technologically-advanced Nanospheres and other RE9 anti-aging elements. And while pampering baby and extra-sensitive adult skin should be easy enough, these days it's very difficult to find a product that's effective, yet delicate. Arbonne has answered the call and developed a line of skin products that use soothing ingredients, such as avocado oils, chamomile and rosemary extracts that synergize together to leave skin feeling soft and moisturized. Featured in the Yogi Lifestyle section, the BefoRE Sun product line and Arbonne Baby Care Sunscreen, SPF 30+ validate to the world what Arbonne and yoga professionals have in common, simplifying life! See www.yogitimes.com for information on ordering this publication.
NutriMenC RE9 REsurface Shave Gel featured in the August 2006 issue of Golf Digest magazine Golf Digest Magazine took a swing at highlighting the anti-aging REvolution and connected with Arbonne's ground-breaking evolution of skin care with the NutriMenC RE9 Anti-Aging line! Arbonne's specially-formulated NutriMenC RE9 anti-aging line is in fair play and has landed on the green in the August 2006 issue of Golf Digest, a magazine completely devoted to improving your golf game. Featured in the magazine's "Style section, the NutriMenC® RE9 product line scores a hit with its amazing ability to provide protection from the external elements of sun and wind, all while refreshing and stimulating men's skin. In the section, several top-name brands are highlighted and selected, so it's no surprise that the NutriMenC RE9 line was included with the all-stars.
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