This is a great day to teach our future generations by example and to come together as one world working together to help The Earth. We are being called The Green Generation. Your participation can be as simple as wearing Green or planting a tree. It can be as big as sponsoring a fundraiser for your chosen Earth friendly org. or setting up a recycling program at your office, church or synagogue. Please take this day to make a difference in your own way...big or small.
One member of our EHWB Community has made an amazing statement with his Eco-Art for this 2009 Earth Day. "Here are my "expression..creation of Arts" from Replantation Trees for The EARTH DAY, 22 April 2009, Hopefully my daughters & wife "Get Naturally Wellness ....and...Beauty !!"

Please check out his blog Indonesia Green Economics for Sustainable Development.
Let us know what you are planning by posting here or on our EHWB Group's Facebook Earth Day 2009 wall by clicking on the title above. Please don't forget to invite your friends to Celebrate "Earth Day 2009" in their own way!
Many thanks Shane Shirley Smith !
ReplyDeleteI wuold like to add *1 items campaign for the Earth Day: Reduce, Reuse,Recycle + REPLANTATION of Trees(incl.Reforestation).
It has wide & big impact for Environment, Social & Economy !
Warm regards.
I love it...reduce, reuse, recycle and replantation!!!