The rapid progression of technology and green sustainable methods has given rise to environmental efficiency. These products not only save you money, but they are better for your health as well!
Several areas of the United States are quickly altering their construction regulations to suit the environment and the health of human beings. The implementation of eco-friendly construction, alternative energy solutions and energy reduction solutions has continued to play a vital role in the conversion to a healthier and sustainable world.
Green sustainable technologies are being pushed for utilization in the public and private sectors by many cities and states in the U.S. Everyone strives for clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. Unfortunately, many modern conveniences boost pollution and health problems.
Asbestos, a naturally-occurring mineral, was used in the 20th century as insulation, piping, brake lining and flooring. Its resistance to fire and heat made asbestos quite popular. Asbestos insulation was used in millions of homes and, while it is safe when enclosed or in good condition, deteriorated asbestos can cause a number of health problems, such as asbestosis or mesothelioma cancer.
Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of asbestos cancer that accounts for three percent of cancer diagnoses in the United States. Current research indicates it can take up to 50 years for this illness to develop. Because of this, the cancer is usually diagnosed in its late stages and treatment has varied effects on victims. Also, due to the fact many mesothelioma symptoms are similar to less serious ailments, diagnosing this type of cancer is often difficult.
Many homes, buildings and public facilities constructed before 1980 may still contain asbestos and other unsafe materials. In many cases, the best action is no action at all. Disturbing asbestos in good condition may cause its fibers to be released into the air.
The U.S. Green Building Council conducted a study which estimated a new savings of $50-$65 per square foot for positively constructed green buildings. As education and technology of green sustainable practices increase, the numbers will continue to rise.
Recently, congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law. Included in this act were extensions to the tax incentives placed for energy efficiency in 2005, as well as new credits for homeowners who remodel or build using eco-sustainable methods. Existing homes are eligible for a series of efficiency measures that pertain to the home shell (Insulation, Windows, Sealing) worth 30% of the installed cost (materials only, labor is not included in the credit basis).
Implementing green methods of building can have positive environmental, health and economic benefits. These include:
- Conservation of natural resources
- Enhance air quality and protect ecosystems
- Energy sustainability
- Increase property value
- Improve quality of life
- Improvement of pulmonary and cardiac health
- Reduce waste
Green alternatives to asbestos include the use of lcynene foam, cotton fiber and cellulose. Cotton fiber is made from recycled batted material and treated to be fireproof. A water based spray polyurethane foam, lcynene features no toxic components.
Thank you to Asbestos.com for this informative article.
Well I thought you would last longer than that.ha ha.
Just helping out a great non-profit! Hope all is well with you!