I am having a super summer but I have been out of the loop a bit. Every summer when my three girlies are home from school, I take a break from being "Blogger Mommy" and become just "Mommy". My kids seem to need me even more as they get older and whether they are four or 13, they can never get enough of spending time with me. I am a very lucky lady. We have been to Long Boat Key (on the still petroleum free West Coast of Florida), the T-Rex restaurant at Downtown Disney, acting classes, tumbling, swimming, spending time with friends and so much more I can't even keep track of it.
So please enjoy this video spoof that came into my in-box today from one of my favorite non-profits called Healthy Child Healthy World. Then please make an effort to spread the word and be sure to take part in making history by telling Congress that the products we use each day must be safe. Our laws need to be strengthened to insure that dangerous chemicals are removed from the market and that chemicals are proven safe before being added to products we rely on for ourselves, our babies and children. Our future depends on our knowledge and actions. What choices will you make today that will change your health and the health of our world tomorrow?
Click HERE to join our green living, online community!
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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead