Win 1 of 3 FREE Reward Memberships to the Green PolkaDot Box that Can Help You Get FREE Groceries!
Everyone Who Enters Automatically Wins a FREE Club Membership to Get a 60% Discount on Healthy Non-GMO Foods, Organic Foods and Products
Everyone Who Enters Automatically Wins a FREE Club Membership to Get a 60% Discount on Healthy Non-GMO Foods, Organic Foods and Products
Win a chance to get your groceries for free? Sound too good to be true, well it's not. I am so excited about our new green partner, The Green PolkaDot Box organic and non-GMO buying club (like Sam's Club but focused on healthy foods), and the green living ease and savings it offers to consumers in every corner of the United States. Over 11,000 consumers have joined already! Welcome to The Green PolkaDot Box and Green Living Giveaway! Everyone who enters will receive a FREE Club Membership valued at $50 and three people could WIN a valuable Reward Membership valued at $125! This isn't your average giveaway...slow down and take it all in. I promise, it will be worth it.
Even if you live in an area where there aren't any organic foods offered or if you are on a really tight budget, you will still be able to order healthy, organic, non-GMO foods and products from The Green PolkaDot Box. The Green PolkaDot Box will open for business on the morning of November 1, 2011! Everyone can order with their Club Membership (normally $50) at up to a 60% discount and Rewards Members can earn up to 5% more in Personal Purchase Discounts as well as PolkaDot Rewards that can pay for your groceries and more! is giving away 3 FREE Reward Memberships worth a total of $375 to the Green PolkaDot Box but remember, everyone who enters will receive a FREE Club Membership normally valued at $50! That means that everyone who enters automatically wins a FREE Club Membership to get a 60% discount on healthy non-GMO foods, organic Groceries and more.
Everyone who enters our Green Living Giveaway will have access to up to a 60% discount on all of my favorite organic and non-GMO products including: Annie’s Organic, Organic Valley, Earth’s Best, Tom’s of Maine, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, Bob's Red Mill, Health Valley Organic, Kettle Classics, Mineral Fusion, Badger Balm, Preserve (BPA free toothbrushes) and literally hundreds of other brands, covering food, baby care, personal care (including make-up), household, pet care, dietary supplements, BPA free products, non GMO seeds, all the organic fruits and veggies you love and much more.
With the Green PolkaDot Box Harvest to Home Program, you will even be able to get fresh, non GMO, organic produce shipped to your front door within 24-48 hours of a 60% discount! How easy is that?
Launching soon and backed by not only, but also by five of most well-recognized organizations in the world of organic and non-GMO food: Mission Possible World Health International, Citizen’s for Health, NaturalNews, Organic Consumers Association and The Institute for Responsible Technology (Jeffrey Smith's Stop GMO’s group), you know you can feel confident saving and shopping with The Green PolkaDot Box.
It's like a Sam's club but focused on groceries and products for green, healthy living for you, your family and your pets!! The difference here is that The Green PolkaDot Box makes it easy to live a greener, healthier lifestyle and of course the fact that The Green PolkaDot Box doesn't take any profit from the foods and products that they sell.
The Green PolkaDot Box makes their profit from memberships and it is not unrealistic to expect one million members within their first year. You see any way you add it up, this online way to shop for organic, healthy, non-GMO foods is every US consumers answer to going green and saving BIG money on their grocery bill - if not eliminating it. You can even shop by dietary needs you or your family members might have like gluten free, vegan or even diabetic needs.

Enter to win your FREE Reward Membership valued at $125 below and the chance to get your groceries paid for and automatically receive a FREE Club Membership normally priced at $50 to save up to 60% on your grocery bill!!
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